Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Nationale feestrok

Here you see a little crazy-quilt skirt made for me in 1948, I was 5 years old. It was 3 years after the war and we got another queen,Juliana.In case of that, a woman who had been in prison during the war asked women to make a memory-skirt and called it the National Liberation-skirt or National festal-skirt. The intention was to use fabric with a memory good or sad. You can understand after 5 years war there where lots of such memories.
The rules were: make underneath points and put your name on it as you can see on the photo when they where made with that rules you could go to an office in Amsterdam and they put an imprint in it and you could add some orange ribbon. This is not happen to this skirt.
2 neightbour-girls made officials for themselves and from the scraps they made one for me.
Those skirts are well kept in musea the last years. Some of them are embroidered with names of people who felt in the war, also with the names of queen and princesses everyone had his own way of using the memory of the years behind.
So I thought this piece of crazy-quilt is worth to show.
For more information visit:


  1. Your little skirt is so pretty. I've never seen crazy quiling on wearables, other than vests. Your crazy quilt is wonderful. You are a natural!

  2. My aunt made me two skirts the same style when I was about 3 years old.

    I managed to save one of them and had both of my daughters pictures taken in them. I need to find those photos. I had no idea the history behind them.


  3. Margreet, you told the history of that precious skirt very well. What memories, good and bad you must have.

    Your crazy quilts it beautiful. What a treasure to have hanging in your home.

  4. I just tonight learned about these skirts, and found this blog while researching the program. How wonderful that you took part in this! The story is fascinating, and can be read about here: Also look up the woman herself - she was quite a person.

    The skirt I saw first (and which lead me to here) was this one:,feestrok&usg=__v63q1eg7HK_Qwo-z6ahguStA2yk=&h=424&w=370&sz=34&hl=en&start=7&sig2=Okg0PBEC5c78nY_kCCVTJg&um=1&tbnid=ZMsW-6HHe5qpbM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=110&prev=/images%3Fq%3DNationale%2BFeestrok%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=Obg-S4PUGcKWtgeZ0aiqDQ

    Thanks for sharing your skirt, and I hope Renea will also share hers.
